Pics from past War Room Men Events

War Room Men is a Christian men’s group that brings together men throughout the world to deal with issues they deal with on a day to day basis. With no denominational fences, ALL men are welcome, to be real with each other, not having to worry about being judged or condemned.  We give men the opportunity to develop real and lasting relationships through Christ Jesus. How do we reach out to the lost, draw the Christian men back in who have been pushed away by the fakeness and hypocrisy that has gone on in the church for decades, and start building those relationships?  First,  online (currently through Facebook and the War Room Men website),  we support our brothers in the needs and requests they make to those in the group through prayer and encouragement.  In this way,  we begin to bond the men together as one body.  Secondly,  we encourage the men to meet in small local groups to assist our brothers in dealing with personal issues confidentially while building relationships,  and supporting them through prayer and discipleship. Our desire is to reach men around the world to build the Kingdom and to lead our brothers to the saving knowledge of Christ.  Our hope is to make men’s ministries more effective in changing lives by strengthening the relationships with our brothers within men’s ministries and the church.  To help them address and eliminate inappropriate issues or problems in their lives with brotherly support, in order to strengthen marriages and families which leads to stronger churches and improving the world around us.Men need to be coming together to discuss real issues that we all deal with in this life. War Room Men, unified as One body, welcomes all men to the table.  To be real with each other, not having to worry about being judged by or condemned by other men.  Giving men an opportunity to develop REAL and lasting relationships through Christ Jesus and making disciples who produce disciples.

 Men sharing their testimony with  men hungry for more of God

Dealing with the tough issues men are up against in this world today.

Joining together in unity

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Standing in the gap. Praying for each other.