We are EXCITED to announce that War Chest was been added to the employee/retiree matching donations list for Caterpillar!!
Caterpillar will match, dollar for dollar, donations out of your check made to War Room Ministries War Chest up to $10000 per year.
The deadline to register for 2022 giving is January 31st.
If you would like to donate click the button below.
SEARCH / REQUEST A MATCH" on the right side of the page, search for "War Room Ministries" and follow the instructions.
Thank you in advance for all those who partner with us.

Do you shop at Schnucks? 
Would you like to help support this ministry spread the good news of Jesus Christ? 
We are now registered as a Community Rewards Organization and by registering your Scnucks Rewards card, Schnucks will donate up to 3% of your transactions directly to War Room Ministries. 
It's as easy as 1--2--3.. https://www.escrip.com/merchants/identity/schnucks/index.jsp, create an account (if you haven't already), and register your card on the rewards page 
Our organization number is 500826549 or you can search for War Room Ministries in the search box. 
Thank you and God Bless!! 

Are you a Kroger shopper?? 
Would you like to help support this ministry spread the good news of Jesus Christ? 
We are now registered as a Community Rewards Organization and by registering your Kroger Rewards card, Krogers will donate a portion of your transactions directly to War Room Ministries. 
It's as easy as 1--2--3.. Go to krogercommunityrewards.com, create an account (if you haven't already), and register your card on the rewards page 
Our organization number is DA918. 
Thank you and God Bless!!